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Hi All, i'm quite new to FME and i have to work with FME Work Bench 2010 to migrate the Landbase data(Map Info TAB files) to Smallworld PNI. I have to migrate the smae set of data to different databases, for this every time i'm performing the same tasks like add the readers and writers, mapping etc. My question is, to avoid this is there any way to create a standard template file so that i have to change only the input file(reader) and output dataset based on the data(writer) or we can automate this process? Please help in this regard. I want to avoid performing same task again and again so that i can save the time. Thanks in advance.



It is possible to save a ws as a template and reuse it, I am just nt sure if it is possible with FME2010, I would consider upgrading to FME 2013.



Another option is to save the ws without the readers and writers.



Yet another one is to use the generic reader and writer, not sure if it is available in FME 2010.



Hope this helps.
