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I have set up a custom transformer that uses a lot of Tester and AttributeCreator transfromers to update a schema. When I use the custom transformer on a single feature class everthing works fine. The tester is testing for a specific attribute.



My problem comes when I want to reuse the custom transformer on a similar feature class. I duplicate the transformer and connect it. FME automatically created published parameters, and my testers are now linked to the parameter that it created. I have verified that I am linking the parameter with my source attribute.



None of the testers now work, and my features now fall through my sequence without getting caught.



Do I have to do anything special to get it work properly? 



difficult question since we do not know the details of your workspace. Normally, the answer would be no, you do not need to do anything special.



Can you post a screenshot, perhaps?



I found another answer about using Parameter Fetcher. That seems to work, but it still doesn't explain why when it automatically changed the tester from using attributes to paramters that it wouldn't work. I'll try to post some screen shots when I get a chance. 
Hi -- it is true that when you duplicate a custom transformer, we do auto-publish any references to attributes.  This has been a controversial step for many years, and in FME 2014 we're planning an overhaul of how this works to put more control in the author's hands. (Yes, there are good reasons for why we did what we did, but...)



In any case, what you're having happen is a bug and if you could send the workspace (ideally before and after) to that will let us dig in and figure out what went off the rails.



Sorry and thanks
Do you just need the workspace or the source/target as well? I'll have to see if I can set up a simplified workspace as I have lots of testers that I have already gone through and modified. 



I had the same problems and a friend showed me an example where he had no problems with having built a new custom-transformer with FME build 13261! I could solve it with "rebuilding" (= replacing) the tester-Transformer with also the edition 13261 of FME (old version of tester was 1, new version is 2)



Hope that could help you...



A year ago I asked Safe to make a tool like "Update all transformers in this workspace to last version", because I often had problems with older Transformer versions (the first buils I used was 1024) but till today there is none.



@Safe: that could maybe really help you prevent hotline support ;-)




