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I have the above test defined within a test filter used in a custom transformer.


It used to work as long as I used FME 2012 Server. However, I obtain the below Error since migration to FME 2013 Server:



2013-02-04 18:10:54|   5.7|  0.0|ERROR |The clause 'TEST @EvaluateExpression(STRING_ENCODED,<at>Value<openparen>t_import_status<closeparen>,Change_Router_TestFilter) != active ENCODED' within 'FACTORY_DEF * TestFactory FACTORY_NAME Change_Router_TestFilter_TestFactory_0 INPUT FEATURE_TYPE Change_Router_TestFilter_TESTFILTERINPUTLINE_0 TEST @EvaluateExpression(STRING_ENCODED,<at>Value<openparen>t_import_status<closeparen>,Change_Router_TestFilter) != active ENCODED BOOLEAN_OPERATOR OR COMPOSITE_TEST_EXPR <Unused> OUTPUT PASSED FEATURE_TYPE Change_Router_TestFilter_delete OUTPUT FAILED FEATURE_TYPE Change_Router_TestFilter_TESTFILTERINPUTLINE_1' is incorrect.  TEST must look like: TEST <value> <operator> <value>



How am I to correct this problem within my test / test filter?
Hi frantsch,


Sorry you've run into this issue. I tried to reproduce it myself by creating a similar worskpace in FME 2012 and then running it in FME Server 2013 but I did not get the problem you have.  I am going to make this a support case if you don't mind and I will email you from support. Hopefully you can send us this workspace so we can find the problem.



You may be able to fix it by adding a new TestFilter transformer to your workspace using FME Workbench 2013 and then republish it the server.





I was having a similar issue usinf a TestFilter in FME 2013 SP1. I could run the  whole fmw in FME workbench but when I tried to run it via command line, I would get an error ending in TEST must look like: TEST <value> <operator> <value>. 



After opening it in FME 2012 SP3, I could get it to run without errors in both the workbench and via command line. I then uninstalled 2012 SP3 and tried again and it worked. I guess the command line "fme.exe" was pointing to a 2012 version and uninstalling 2012 corrected the issue. 
