Open up the FME32bit and run your workspace (D:/Path/3DPDF.fmw)
In the LOG-window you see the correct syntax. For instance the demo-workspace - easyTranslater.fme gives the following on top of the LOG-window:
fme.exe easyTranslator.fmw
--SourceDataset_GENERIC C:\\temp\\demo.shp
--DestinationFormat ACAD
--COORDSYS_Dest EPSG:25833
Just Copy-Paste:
Hi SigTill
Thank you for your answer! Unfortunately if I copy paste the log it does not work because fme.exe is again the 64bit version. So i modified the format a little bit to:
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\FME2013_x86\\fme.exe" D:/Path/3DPDF.fmw
--Perimeter D:\\Perimeter.shp
--Attribute1 123.2;124.2
--Outputfolder D:\\Output
Now again fme32 is loaded and I get the same error message again:
Parameter 'Perimeter' must be given a value.
Program Terminating
Translation FAILED.
Maybe I need some () or p] or {}?
If I run the wokspace in 32bit fme with the same inputs it works perfekt...
This works for me in 64bit FME, it runs 32bit FME from the SystemCaller.
Just Copy-Paste
Sorry I am quite new to FME so maybe I just don't get it right. So now I am copying the blue text from the top of the log and paste it in the SystemCaller and don't change a thing so it says:
fme.exe 3DPDF.fmw
--Perimeter D:\\Perimeter.shp
--Attribute1 123.2;124.2
--Outputfolder D:\\Output
Now I get following error:
CRC check within license file failed. Invalid license file. (-500)
Program Terminating
Translation FAILED.
But I since it works in the standalone 32bit script I don't think licensing is the problem.
I tested different kinds of Syntax and when I wrap Perimeter in {} then Attribute1 causes an error and Perimeter seems to be accepted:
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\FME2013_x86\\fme.exe" D:/Path/3DPDF.fmw
--Perimeter {D:\\Perimeter.shp}
--Attribute1 123.2;124.2
--Outputfolder D:\\Output
Parameter 'Attribute1' must be given a value.
Program Terminating
Translation FAILED.
It seems that the path of Perimeter here must be wrapped in {}, so what about texts ({} are not working for Attribute1)
And Sorry, I don't get it what to do with your pastebin link.
Weird, it works now! Thanks for your help! What I did is used your approach and combined it whith my findings from the tests I did. What helped as well was to simulate starting the script with WorkspaceCaller and copy its comand and modify it a bit.
So now I have following command line which works:
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\FME2013_x86\\fme.exe" D:/Path/3DPDF.fmw --Perimeter D:\\Perimeter.shp --Attribute1 123.2;124.2 --Outputfolder D:\\Output
unsing published parameters I have something like this:
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\FME2013_x86\\fme.exe" $(3dpdfSkript) --Perimeter $(Perimeter) --Attribute1 @Value(attr1) --Outputfolder $(Outfolder)
I think one really has to pay attention in formatting: NO line breaks, NO unecessary spaces... and in my case wrap the fme.exe path in quotation marks...
Have a nice weekend!