
Spatially sort polyline based on flow direction / connectivity

  • 6 July 2018
  • 1 reply


I was wondering if it is possible to spatially sort (or even group) line data based on direction of flow?

I work for a waste water company and we are required to send out extracts of our GIS data (as a spreadsheet) to our contractors so they can clean the sewers. Currently the data is not sorted in any logical order, ideally it would be in an order they could actually follow when in the field and do continuous runs of cleaning when possible. The screenshot below is an example, with some suggested ordering for each section (though there would be multiple acceptable orders):

I don't know if it would be beneficial to group the data prior to trying to sort it? The order of the groups wouldn't matter too much, its just more to ensure the data always starts upstream in that group.

Any suggestions welcome.

1 reply

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You could experiment with the StreamOrderCalculator. I've attached a workspace that combines the StreamOrderCalculator and the NetworkTopologyCalculator. I'm not sure how well this will work for a sewer network. But it might give you some ideas. Workspace(FME 2018): flowconnectivity.fmwt
