I’ve successfully exposed a dozen attributes (see green check marks). Then something changes in the source JSON not allowing me to pull “records.number” and others below “records”. What’s different? Thank you!!
I’ve successfully exposed a dozen attributes (see green check marks). Then something changes in the source JSON not allowing me to pull “records.number” and others below “records”. What’s different? Thank you!!
Records.number is not the same as what your json shows. Number is held in an array, so it would be something like [“records”]0]]“number”] to get the first one (and there may be many). Same applies for your other array as I am not sure you will be able to use wildcards.
You could use the wildcard in something like the jsonflatner or jsonfragmentor to get out this specific values.
I don’t think you can use a wildcard to expose attributes. If you are like me, and don’t want to manually enter each value, use an AttributeExposer instead and import the attribute names from FeatureCache.
Thanks Todd and Nielsgerrits. Todd, This is the JSONFragmenter transformer. See below other ways I’ve tried to expose “number” and “responsible_party” the same way I’ve successfully exposed “last_name” and “full_location”. Aren’t “applicant”, “location” in the same place as “records” under “data” shown in the original JSON above? niels, I was unsuccessful following your suggestions. Everything I try with the AttributeExtractor hides the attributes in the _response_body elipse.
Thank you.
Sorry I missed this is about lists. You will not be able to expose a list in the table view. The attributes which have braces {} are lists and have a different data format then tables. For handeling lists you need different transformers. ListExploder, ListSearcher etc. You can see the contents of a list by selecting a row in the Visual Preview and look in the Feature Information window.
Now I think that the Visual Preview is way too small to inspect data, so I prefer to use the Data Inspector to do this. In Workbench, go to Tools, Options, check the box “Inspect with Data Inspector when Visual Preview window closed” on the bottom.
I will walk back saying that you can’t use wildcards in the Extractor (as I have used that before), but in this case, its not going to meet your needs.
I have attached an example getting “records” “number” from an array. As mentioned by