So, our organisation has a maintenance management system for our roads, which now for some reason, no longer works with geometry which has duplicate nodes within the same polyline. I’ve been able to narrow this down to two cases where our road polylines layer violates this rule:
- Some roads have duplicate consecutive nodes due to mapping mistakes, which I’ve fixed with GeometryValidator.
- Some roads (such as roundabouts and parking area outlines) have the same start and end node. This is where I’m getting stuck.
The potential solution that I’m looking for is something that can determine the polylines with the same start and end point with a small tolerance (0.1m would do the trick) as I could only get GeometryValidator to work as expected with this tolerance, then offset the end node by a small figure (perhaps 0.5m) back toward the penultimate node. This way, the polyline still keeps enough of the line to be usable, but will work with the management system. But, I’m happy to note any other more do-able ideas if there’s any. Is there a transformer(s) that will be able to accomplish this?
I’m running FME Form 2024.0.1.0.
Thanks :)