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Problem: Using FME and a road networks dataset, I am trying to find the shortest path from A to B, while taking into consideration of turning width (say for a truck). I have created a point feature class which contains all the turns/junctions, each of these junctions will have a maximum allowed turning width. How would I incorporate this into my shortest path finder analysis?



Example Scenario: A truck needs to travel on certain roads with certain restrictions, and can only turn at intersections wide enough to accommodate the truck.



I have used FME to select all the roads that satisfy the criteria (i.e. clearance height, maximum weight, shortest length traveled), but how would I incorporate the turns restrictions (turn width)from another feature class?



Thanks very much for any input, below is a screenshot of my FME workbench.
By using the truning width in a grouping strtegy (groupBY) for instance?
