I've a workbench with one reader and one writer. if the traitment is issue i would retrieve the raisons or logs into file (my writer or another file).
Any idea?
Thanks an advance.
I've a workbench with one reader and one writer. if the traitment is issue i would retrieve the raisons or logs into file (my writer or another file).
Any idea?
Thanks an advance.
If you want to write only error messages into a file automatically, define a function to collect error messages in the Sartup Pytnon Script, and write the messages in the Shutdown Script. For example:
# Startup Python Script
import fmeobjects
# Error message collector.
errorMessages = s]
# Callback function
def collectErrorMessages(severity, message):
if severity == fmeobjects.FME_ERROR or severity == fmeobjects.FME_FATAL:
# Set the function to the FME LogFile object
logFile = fmeobjects.FMELogFile()
logFile = None
# Shutdown Python Script
if 0 < len(errorMessages):
f = open('C:\\\\tmp\\\\error_log.txt', 'w')
for msg in errorMessages:
f.write('%s\\n' % msg)