I am trying to transform a JPG File in EPSG:31467 to an ECW File in EPSG:25832 using the transformation method DHDN_To_ETRS_1989_8_NTv2. The process fails with the following logs.
Reprojector: Internal error; reprojection failed
Reprojector: Internal error; reprojection failed
Reprojector: Invalid source and destination coordinate systems
ECW writer: An error has occurred: Error 48 "Could not perform Read/Write on file" file "" line 0
ECW writer: Failed to write dataset 'B:\\ECW_Prob\\TEST_25832.ecw'. This may occur if you have insufficient privileges to write this file, or if insufficient disk space is available
A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
If I remove the "ESRIReprojetor" transformer I can convert from jpeg to ecw, but the reprojection is wrong.
CS-MAP Reprojector: Transformation will be automatically selected for 'EPSG:25832' -> 'EPSG:31467', and is not guaranteed to remain the same in future releases of FME
Reprojector: Using transformation `DHDN_to_ETRS89/01_8_ntv2_BeTA2007_FME,Inverse(Grid File Interpolation,EPSG:15948)' when reprojecting from EPSG:25832 to EPSG:31467
Reprojector:`DHDN_to_ETRS89/01_8_ntv2_BeTA2007_FME,Inverse(Grid File Interpolation,EPSG:15948)' will use the following grid shift files:
Reprojector: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\FME\\Reproject\\GridData\\Germany\\BeTA2007.gsb
Reprojector: If a point is outside the usable range of 'DHDN_to_ETRS89/01_8_ntv2_BeTA2007_FME' the following fallback transformation will be used: 'DHDN_to_WGS84,Inverse(Seven Parameter,EPSG:1673)'
Coordinate (approx) 20E:0N outside grid file coverage; fallback used.
Can anyone shed some light on why this reprojection is faulty?