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Hi all,

FME amateur here!

I'm trying to increase the performance of my model. The performance is vastly improved when I use the Group By setting and Parallel Processing in my SpatialRelator.

The SpatialRelator is followed by an Attribute Creator which uses a conditional query (combination the number of related_candiates and dataset name) to set a value.

Without the Group By and Parallel Processing FME will correctly tell me the number of related features in the related_candidates field. However when I put the Group By setting on - every value in the related_candidates field is 0.

Does anyone how to fix this?


Looking at your Test Condition, I cannot say for sure that the _related_candidates output indeed is larger than 0 or not.

I would suggest, for testing purposes, to first test whether there are truely no related candidates by using only the statement _related_candidates > 0. If there are still no related candidates, than you'll need to check whether the attribute SUBURB is available on both base and candidate features.

If the attribute is available on both base and candidate features, than you'll need to check whether the values are identical and do not differ in casing.

I hope this helps you to solve your problem.

Do the Requestor features and the Supplier features both have the attribute "SUBURB" which you've set to the Group By parameter?



Thank you! I didn't realise the attribute SUBURB needed to be present in both datasets! There are multiple suppliers - none of which have SUBURB. I guess this eliminates the use of the Group By setting?


