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Hi, I have a problem with outputed raster size and i am trying to find best solution for it on behalf of quality and size. I tried to play with compression, but it does not help as expected (it helps but I need less size of file). Of course, played also with interpolation methods at the same time. I found transformer RasterResampler, but do not understand how it differs from compression using featureType parameters. Is that the same thing actually?


Kind regards,

Btw, while FME writes data to jpeg2000 format I got error called ECW Exception ("If you receive this message, pelase report it at  "hhtp:// ..etc..).


I repeated It few times and each time error appeared at line:

"JPEG2000 writer: Compleated 28.94% of intermediate processing"


Does anyone know this kind of problem?


That's a good question about compression. I didn't know the difference so I asked our raster developer.



If you set the compression to 0 then you will get a lossless compression. It won't be compressed much, but it will be less than a raw image.



Otherwise the compression is lossy. Our developer says "basically you have to throw away some information, and what that is depends on the compression method".



For jpeg2000 it's a Wavelet Compression, which is quite different to just a reduction in resolution. In fact it looks quite complicated to me.



Resampling is much more simpler to understand. I guess that makes me think it will be less efficient, but I can't say for sure.



As for the error message, can you submit this as a support case? I know it says to contact but I think we should at least look at it first.









Mark Ireland


Product Evangelist


Safe Software Inc
Ok Mark, I submited this case to support and hope they can help me somehow! Thank you.
