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Dear all,



I use a NeighborFinder to find points close to a polyline (segment). I also need to introduce a constraint on the matching: each points has an angle attribute. I then need to find for each segment the point with the same orientation as the point. I can do this with a tester, after having computed segment angle.



In my NeighborFinder, I set "Number of neighbors to find" to 5. It thus produces a list in output. Now, I am wondering how I can iterate over the list to find the point with the correct orientation (it is not always the closest candidate).



Hope you could help.



Best regards,



You could


For each segment


Set  a index=0,


 max= listelementcounter


 and feed it to a listindexer within a custom loop to read the value, test value and cycle trough the index till max.
..or keep relevant attributes and then explode the list ..


you can do test then
