I want to use a FTPCaller to push a file on a SFTP server. It doesn't work on my Windows 10 PC, but on another PC it works fine. And on my computer, I can access to the SFTP server using Filezilla or Winscp.
I'm using FME workbench 2019.1.1.0 (20190801 - Build 19617 - WIN64) on Windows 10 version 1903.
I get the error :
FTPCaller (FTPFactory): FTP info: Trying XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:22...
FTPCaller (FTPFactory): FTP info: TCP_NODELAY set
FTPCaller (FTPFactory): FTP info: Connected to XXXXXXXXXXXX (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) port 22 (#0)
FTPCaller (FTPFactory): FTP info: Failure establishing ssh session: -43,
FTPCaller (FTPFactory): FTP info: Closing connection 0
FTPCaller (FTPFactory): HTTP/FTP transfer error: 'Failed initialization'
I join the full log of my workspace, with Debug option, if it helps.