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Hi All,


I'm working on a workflow to bring the information from 3 separate layers into my analysis output. SpatialRelator would do the work but also want to create the lists in order to concatenate values into the same cell. I need to concatenate different fields but ListConcatenator only allows one at time,

Screenshot below shows the fields I want to concatenate with the following structure:


  • ListConcatenation A = GM_SiteRef + GM_Type
  • ListConcatenation B = LandOwner + LandOwnership_Status + LandOwnership_TITLE_NO
  • ListConcatenation C = LEP_Site


FME_6How can I make it to work and have multiple ListConcatenators? I'm trying to avoid any filter or tester as won't work....


PD: I would also need to add a ListDuplicateRemover before the concatenator to avoid duplicates in the same cell.


Thanks in advanced 🙂

Hi @galigis​ ,

For exmaple, assuming

_relationships{}.GM_SiteRef contans three elements: "a", "b", "c"

_relationships{}.GM_Type contains three elements: "x", "y", "z"


In the case, is "a,b,c,x,y,z" (i.e. concatenated all the elements in the two lists) your expecting result?

Thanks @Takashi Iijima​ - I think I have fixed the issue...partially 😞


I have added all the ListConcatenator transformers one after the other and seems to work...but now I can't remove the duplicate lists, see below:


FME_8 How can I remove those duplicates (e.g. Natural Land, Natural Land, Synergy, Synergy) in the same cell? I tried already ListDuplicateRemover before and after the concatenation but no luck


Sorted now with the following workaround:


1- ListConcatenator

2- AttributeSplitter

3- ListDuplicate

4- ListConcatenator



