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I have two separate Route Feature Types and a bunch of Point and Line events. The Route features share a common alignment (on top of each other), but they have different measure values. For illustration purposes, think of them sort of like different units stored in the geometry measures, but without any sort of equation to be able to easily convert between the units. My plan was to overlay the Route sources to get a more granular set of lines with nodes wherever a node exists in either source, and with multiple measures named by the source it came from. Once I have that combined geometry, the event translation should be as simple as generating the dynamic segments based on the first route, dissolve the lines and read the second route measures from the feature, to get my translated event. In the example below, I rename the measures for each source before sending them in to the LineOnLineOverlayer but the output lines only have 1 of the 2 source measures. I also tried Intersector, but the result was the same.

LineOnLineOverlayer_only_keeps_1_measureI did get the PointOnLineOverlayer to do what I need, but was hoping I wouldn't have to convert all of my lines to individual vertex points (millions of them), overlay with each source, then re-hydrate my lines, as that has the risk of loosing fidelity, if there are any curved arcs.

@Paul Brandt​ I don't think you should have to split all you lines into points. For point events you should be able to recover the measure using NeighborFinder. For linear events Snipper can help. There a general discussion of FME & LRS here and here (which include a few simple workspaces). ​  have posted many LRS related transformers on FME HUB

A picture is worth a thousand words so adding a small example dataset or a simple diagram might help the community dig into your question a deeper.
