Trying to generate a list of word count for 250 text files grouped by fme_basename and after 180 rows (text_line_data) i get this error in my loop:
ListHistogrammerExtractor_AttributeCreator_4(TeeFactory): ListHistogrammerExtractor_AttributeCreator_4: @Tcl2 -- failed to evaluate expression `
ListHistogrammerExtractor_AttributeCreator_4_0794f8f3_f60b_4915_9438_12229fbdab5720_attrSetter {(<at>Value<openparen>_histogram<opencurly><at>Value<openparen>_loopCount<closeparen><closecurly>.value<closeparen>,<at>Value<openparen>_histogram<opencurly><at>Value<openparen>_loopCount<closeparen><closecurly>.count<closeparen>)} '
-- FME_SetAttribute procedure requires at least two parameters -- the attribute name, its value, and an optional encoding for the value.
All Form feeds are removed before the files are aggregated. I also tried removing non-printable characters, using the ListStringReplacer looking for regex: n\x00-\x1F\x80-\xFF]. The AttributeCreator uses the histogram list to pivot attributes. This is where it fails and I think an attribute value - which I can't identify right now - is causing the issue.
The log is saying an option for attribute encoding but I don't see where I can add this Attribute Name expression.
I tried the @ConvertEncoding (<String1>, <String2>) in the Attribute Name and Attribute Value using unicode in String2 and neither worked.
Update: I started doing random testing, one text file at a time, and the attached text file is the only one that has caused the issue so far. After completing the test for all text files, there 16 files that caused failure.