I have two building datasets and I need to identify which buildings from dataset A exactly match the geometry of a building in dataset B.
What's the best way to do this ?
You can use a spatial relator, send dataset A to the Requestor and dataset B to the supplier and choose Requestor Equals Supplier as the test
Hi ebygomm,
For some reason this is not working. Although in ArcMap, I am able to identify 690 identical buildings, the _related_candidates attribute of the SpatialRelator outputs only 0 values.
I have kept only Shape_Area and Shape_Length attributes and also tried rounding theses attributes to 5 decimals. There's something I'm not getting !
I think there is no concept of tolerance in the spatialrelator so they would have to match absolutely exactly. I expect arc includes some sort of tolerance in its analysis of what matches.
You could try using a matcher instead, which will allow you to set a tolerance.
If you want to specifically only compare data between datasets and not within the same dataset I would create a dummy attribute of 1 on all data, use that as attribute to match and then use the dataset name as an attribute that must differ
Thanks ebygomm. matcher is working fine for me ! I'm indeed using a "Vector tolerance". ArcGIS certainly applies a tolerance.