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 Hello Forum,


I notice that when FME Form convert a dataset from one format (e.g.: .tab) to geopackage it adds a field called 'id'. So, two questions:


1) Do geopackage files always have, and have to have, an id field?

2) Or is there a way of asking FME Form to not create one/delete it? It doesn’t seem possible via an AttributeManager or in the Writer’s User Attributes.


I've noticed that, separately, if I read in the created geopackage I can then use an AttributeManager to remove the id field and then publish again. But there are two problems with this…


1) It's a faff. I'd rather not read in, write out, read in, and write out again. But..

2) even after removing the id field via an AttributeManager, the id field always appears in the output geopackage file. This makes me wonder if an id field must always exist in geopackage files.



I've also noticed that when creating geojson files FME seems to create a ‘fill’ field and a ‘stroke’ field, which I can't remove. Is there a way of removing the fill and stroke fields from geojson file? Or are they hard baked in geojson files in the sense that they will always, and have to, be there?



In a table in a geopackage, a unique id field is mandatory. This is needed for editing / querying the rows. This is not a FME thing, but a geopackage requirement.

Thanks for that, nielsgerrits. I did fear that may be the case. But good to know for certain.


I wonder if the same applies to 'fill' and 'stroke' fields in geojson files.
