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 I have been able to do this using the HTTP caller. The issue I have is the the URL that I am calling changes slightly each week. The number in the URL increases by one each week. Is there a way I can automate the change in the URL so that it will retrive the up to date document from the link?


Thanks in advance for any assistance.

You can use the DateTimeStamper to first get todays date. Then use the DateTimeConverter with either of the following output formats to get the week number:

%U for Sunday-based week numbers

%W for Monday-based week numbers

Interestingly it seems that the FME week numbers are 0-based, so you may want to use e.g. an ExpressionEvaluator to add 1 to the result.

You can then integrate the resulting week number into the URL.


@mark2atsafe​ @lenaatsafe​ Does it make sense that the week numbers start with 0? And what should be the week number for 20210101? According to Google it's 53, but the DateTimeConverter returns 0.
