I was thinking I can use an attribute filter to filter the different asset types and subsequently use a 3Dforcer to lay the different polylines on their correct depth. As an example I used the following parameters in the 3Dforcer for 1 attribute of the field asset type:
Elevation: @ZValue()-1
Preserve Z-values: No
The result was as follows:
1 polyline features has 3 vertices:
Before translation:
vertex Z: 0,6
vertex Z: 0,8
3th vertex Z: 1,0
After translation:
vertex Z: -0,2
vertex Z: -0,2
3th vertex Z: -0,2
What I would like to have:
vertex Z: -0,4
vertex Z: -0,2
3th vertex Z: 0
This translation provides a constant Z
value based on some average of mutliple vertices. I want it to take into
account each individual Z and then substract the ammount specified.