Hi all
I'm trying to create a single output zip file that is written to by one or more Job Submitter jobs. I've got a service that allows the user to select multiple feature types from a POSTGIS db from which they want to extract data within selected bounding coordinates. The list of selected feature types is split prior to entering an FMEServerJobSubmitter transformer that kicks off a workspace that does the actual data extract. The first workspace passes the output zip location to the data extraction workspace so that they can write to a common destination.
In testing, the zip is created and contains data but only from the last feature type to be processed. Looks like each time the data extraction workspace runs, it over-writes the zip file created by the data extraction job that ran before it.
I've tested with the Wait for Server Job to Complete parameter on the FMEServerJobSubmitter set to "Yes" and "No" and it doesn't make a difference.
I'm using the Job Submitter service because the data is pushed to AWS S3 prior to sending a download notification to the user.
Any suggestions?