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I´d like to know how can I convert the shapefile into (formated) asc file.

I need to extract the shapefile geometry (x, y).



You can use a CoordinateExtractor followed by a listExploder to get one set of x,y coordinates per fetaure (per line when written out as a text file), but without knowing the exact format of the the acc file, it's a little hard to give concrete suggestions.

What is the geometry type of your Shapefile dataset? Point?

My shapefile geometry is point.

I really don´t worry about the asc format. My main objective is extract the xy coordinate from shapefile geometry.

My shapefile geometry is point.

I really don´t worry about the asc format. My main objective is extract the xy coordinate from shapefile geometry.

As @jdh suggested, you can use the CoordinateExtractor. If the geometry type is single point (not multipoint), you can use the transformer with these parameters.


  • Mode: Specify Coordinate
  • Coordinate Index: 0

Depends on what you want to do with the stored geometry.

Depending on that and the geometry type of the shapefile you have multiple options.

Apart from creating a geometry string yourself (more complex) u can use a geometry extractor (to WKT for instance).
