Hi! I have a fc "Points of Interest" and extra information about my points stored in the "Details_table":
I would like to be able to export my"Points of Interest" fc retrieving also the related extra information from the "Details_table", like TELEPHONE or WEBSITE
I found a solution that works, but I would like to know if you know a simple way of doing this. My solution:
1. I create a 1:1 relationship class with attributes associated to the relationship (ArcCatalog)
2. I populate the relationship class (Data Interoperability)
3. I export the table associated to the relationship class (ArcCatalog)
4. I turn back in Data Interoperability and use a Joiner to bring the GUID_POI field on my Details_table (from the previously exported table), and then a Feature Merger to bring on Point of Interest the related attributes from the Details Table
In the end I have a new fc with Points of Interest and also the "TELEPHONE" field that was in the Details_table
I would like to skip these two steps:
1. creating the associated table for the relationship class (for 1:1 and 1:M the relationship does not require a table to be create din the database)
2. exporting the associated table
so just directly accessing the related info from the Details table, and export it
any idea?