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I discovered that the OGC WKT geometry obtained by the geometryCoercer is not a string object but a bytearray object



In a python caller:



wkt = feature.getAttribute('_geometry')


print type(wkt)


>>> <type 'bytearray'>



I think that's weird because WKT stands for Well Known Text and should be just string object. In my experience FME is the only tool where WKT geometry is not a string.  Why FME store WKT in a bytearray object?
Alright the answer to convert WKT bytearray to string is the following:



in a python caller:



wkt = str(feature.getAttribute('_geometry').decode("ascii", "ignore"))


print type(wkt)


>>> <type 'str'>



here is another and easier way to do get the same thing:



wkt = feature.exportGeometryToOGCWKT()



This way you can also skip the GeometryExtractor before the PythonCaller.



Thats right, thank you for this shortcut.
