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Hey folks,

You probably know that we have the FME Worldwide User Conference planned for Vancouver in FME2017, and I can strongly advise you to attend if you can because it's just an awesome conference.

Anyway, one day of the conference is given over to training and we are about to make a decision about what courses we are going to put on the schedule.

So here's a chance for you to have your say. Let us know what sort of training you would like to see. Maybe a session on Custom Transformers? Lists? The HTML Writer?

Perhaps you'd like something in depth on FME and Python? Server notifications? The SchemaMapper transformer? We're open to any and all ideas.


Post an answer below, or add your +1 as a comment if you see someone else's idea that you particularly agree with.

Of course, if you have any other ideas about the user conference - someone good for a keynote, swag you'd like to receive (within reason), a great idea for a quiz or contest - anything like that, you can also post those and I'll be sure to pass them on to the organizing team.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


Thanks @Mark2AtSafe, an absolute beginner for FME+Python short session would be great.

Raster processing

FME Server (and FME Cloud) notifications, both incoming and outgoing, is one I'd like to see.

Enterprise-level configuration of FME Server would be useful (monitoring, performances, failover, best practices, etc)

Pointcloud processing

Tech swag:

Handling the Schemamapper AND AttributeManager as a pro

Some "live" contest that can be right after each section, Kahoot uses to be nice in these circumstances and lets many people participate with their cellphone easily. - makes it more interactive

A "show of" section for anyone to showcase a poster / idea / product / process automated by FME

A "blind date" - speak with the person left of you in the conference about your best FME-usecase for 5 minutes. Exchange company and names. To get to know people early on in the conference. Repeat this also in the smaller sections.

Hackathon! - Please have a hackathon!

Print out the "top 10 challenges/issues" that might not be prioritized by Safe Software to "fix or enhance" - and see if the community can create it. For instance a Custom Reader / Writer for a format that is not too common, a method to do something in a Transformer or an integration towards API / system that is not too common or is specific for only one country.

Interpretation of log files for intermediate users, would be very helpful for those debugging workspaces

Enterprise-level configuration of FME Server would be useful (monitoring, performances, failover, best practices, etc)

Coincidentally, we're just looking at an FME Server administrator's course and what to include. So expect to see this sometime in the near future anyway!



Coincidentally, we're just looking at an FME Server administrator's course and what to include. So expect to see this sometime in the near future anyway!



Excellent! Reminds me, though: I think I'm missing a star on my profile ;-)



Spatial Business Systems is offering to do a FME and
SpatialBiz plugin training for Smallworld users.

This training will include:

  • SpatialBiz plugin installation
  • Reading data from Smallworld using the
    SpatialBiz plugin
  • Writing data to Smallworld using the SpatialBiz
  • Some
    lecture and hands-on exercises

A "blind date" - speak with the person left of you in the conference about your best FME-usecase for 5 minutes. Exchange company and names. To get to know people early on in the conference. Repeat this also in the smaller sections.

Or a more hardcore version "à la" speed dating where we switch person every 5 minutes or so.



Prize for the most (non safesoftware) downloaded FME HUB Transformer as of one week before the conference. (is this off topic?)

Some great stuff here. Keep the answers and upvotes coming.


Oh, also notice there is a 'next page' button at the foot of this question. It's rare we have a question whose answers spill onto a second page, so you might not realize it's there!



the all powerful schema mapper

RCaller, the current documentation is less than ideal.

FME Cloud: deployments, use cases, examples, integrations

fme server dashboards!

RCaller, the current documentation is less than ideal.

Look for some content on the RCaller coming out in September.



Overview/Quickstart to FME Sever REST API
