Hi @checcosisani,
What are your settings in the Reprojector?
Hi @checcosisani,
What are your settings in the Reprojector?
Sorry for late reply
I don't understandf exactly what you mean anyway I have this setting for reprojector
Sorry for late reply
I don't understandf exactly what you mean anyway I have this setting for reprojector
In your original workspace, please right-click on the Reprojector transformer, then choose Properties. This will bring up the settings dialog for the transformer. Please post a screenshot of this dialog so we can see the settings, or attach a copy of your workspace to the reply.
Sorry for late reply
I don't understandf exactly what you mean anyway I have this setting for reprojector
in the original workspace I have reprojector with this settings
but I received an error so I tried to use the esri reprojector but I can't find the UTM83-10
so I dont understand if there are difference beetween the two reprojector
Sorry for late reply
I don't understandf exactly what you mean anyway I have this setting for reprojector
The Esri reprojection engine requires that the datum transformation be explicitly set when changing between coordinate systems with different GCS's, but the Reprojector transformer does not allow choosing a transformation, so it fails when using the Esri engine.
If you want to use the Esri reprojection engine, I recommend using the EsriReprojector instead of changing the workspace Reprojection Engine settings.
The coordinate systems in the EsriReprojector use the Esri names instead of the FME names, so UTM83-10 would be NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_10N.