I have two oracle tables ABC and DEF with lat-long fields where each record include detail of a site. I want to find a site from table DEF which is 20 mile away for each record of table ABC.
Logic I am using is below
1. Two oracle non spatial reader for each table.
2. Assigning LL84 coordinate system to both teh reader
3. Using 2DPointReplacer to convert the lat/long into point
4. Using Reprojector to convert the coordinate system from LL84 to US48MI
When I run this flow M getting following error
Geometry Type: Point (1)
Number of Coordinates: 1 -- Coordinate Dimension: 2 -- Coordinate System: `LL84'
Reprojector_2: Reproject: Could not reproject the geometry of the preceeding feature: Reprojector: Could not create reprojection engine
Reprojector_2: Reproject: Could not reproject the geometry of the preceeding feature: Reprojector: Could not create reprojection engine
Can anyone please help me in it