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I have two oracle tables ABC and DEF with lat-long fields where each record include detail of a site. I want to find a site from table DEF which is 20 mile away for each record of table ABC.



Logic I am using is below


1. Two oracle non spatial reader for each table.


2. Assigning LL84 coordinate system to both teh reader


3. Using 2DPointReplacer to convert the lat/long into point


4. Using Reprojector to convert the coordinate system from LL84 to US48MI



When I run this flow M getting following error


Geometry Type: Point (1)


Number of Coordinates: 1 -- Coordinate Dimension: 2 -- Coordinate System: `LL84'






Reprojector_2: Reproject: Could not reproject the geometry of the preceeding feature: Reprojector: Could not create reprojection engine


Reprojector_2: Reproject: Could not reproject the geometry of the preceeding feature: Reprojector: Could not create reprojection engine



Can anyone please help me in it





try inserting a CoordinateSystemSetter (with LL84) between the 2DPointReplacer and the Reprojector.



Thanks David for your help.



But I fix the issue as below:


I hae to updateImplicit NAD27 to NAD83 Transformation to USA only...


I have updated it via workbench> tools> Option> Coordinate system....



But now I have a different requirement. If you can help me in would be really great....



I am using Neighbor finder tool to find the nearest neighbor in range of 20 miles. I used Neighbourfinder and included Base target as record of ABC and candidate target as record of DEF...Result coming out is proper...but I want to include X field of DEF table in the matched records in addition to all fields of tablke ABC...



How can I do that.....



good to hear you found a solution to the reprojection issues.



Regarding the NeighborFinder, have you read this excellent article on FMEpedia about it? It gives a lot of examples of how to pass the attributes between the BASE and CANDIDATE features. The NeighborFinder can be a little bit tricky to use the first time, so it is well worth the time to go through the examples.



Be aware that it is the BASE features that receive the features from the CANDIDATE features, not the other way around (this is a very common misunderstanding).



Sorry about the typo, it should be:



Be aware that it is the BASE features that receive the attributes from the CANDIDATE features, not the other way around (this is a very common misunderstanding).
