
Filtering features based on duplicate attribute value and proximity (Spatial Filter?)

  • 26 August 2016
  • 4 replies


I have two datasets containing point features with a place name attribute. One dataset is more complete than the other in some areas and the other dataset is more complete in other areas.

I'd like to combine the datasets into a single dataset but with out duplicating place names that exist in both but I can't just delete records where the place name attribute is not unique, for example, there is a Leeds in Yorkshire and also a Leeds in Kent so I need to only delete duplicates if they are within a certain distance of each other.

I've looked at the Spatial Filter transformer and I can use the place name attribute in the Group By but I'm not sure how I'd build this into my workspace and delete the duplicates. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

4 replies

Badge +2


Have you tried Neighborfinder?

Badge +3

features need have commn attributes to participate in a group_by.

This goes for duplicateremover as wel.

So add/overlay the countyname to the placenames and your there.


features participating in a group_by need have 1 or more common attribute(s).

You can group_by on multiple attributes, like placename AND countyname.

..same goes for dup remover.

Only if a county has places with the same would need to do a proximity test.

Badge +9
@matt_yw I would probably use point on point over layer for this as it allows you to merge the attributes from one point to the other. When attributes are merged between features, existing attributes are not replaced. Therefore, if the points being overlaid have attributes with the same name, then the values will not be transferred from one to the other.
Userlevel 2
Badge +16

I think the NeighborPairFinder is the transformer you want to look at.
