
FileGeoDatabase anno to DWG text Issue: double text and huge size

I have FileGeoDataBase (FGDB) polygons. It's easy to convert them to DWG lines. BUT: I want want to take one polygon attribute and turn it into DWG text. Here is the workbench: FGDB polygon reader -> LabelPointReplacer -> DWG writer. At every insertion point in the DWG file there are now two text pieces: one at the correct scale, another 180 degrees rotated (upside down), huge (humongous), why?

2 replies

Badge +2

Are you sure your polygons are not duplicate in your initial database?

Can you provide us your workspace?

Issue solved: I don't know if it was actually the problem, but when the issue went away after I had set the autocad_text_size parameter.


