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Feature Class extraction

  • 5 February 2013
  • 2 replies


Does anybody know how to extract information from one feature class and output as a new Feature Class ?


(I am pulling from an SQL database for GeoMedia to place into a GeoMedia access database)



Example: I have a Water network (feature class) with two attributes with the following options



Status: conceptual, proposed, in service




Owner: City, Other



I want to extract all the IN SERVICE pipes that are of type CITY.  Does anybody know the write transformer that would produce these results?





2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +36


There are two ways to do this:



1) When adding the GeoMedia SQL Server reader, click on the parameters button and set a where clause (eg where status="IN SERVICE" and owner="CITY")



2) Don't set a where clause but use the Tester or TestFilter transformer to carry out this.



#1 is better because it means you are reading less data into your workspace. #2 means you are reading everything first and then filtering it.



Hope this helps









Mark Ireland


Product Evangelist, Safe Software Inc.
The best option is to filter  records in the where clause itself as Mark suggested, else


You can also use attributefilter based on status first and then owner type



