
Distance between lines

  • 12 October 2017
  • 2 replies



I have 2 lines and I need draw some kind of mark between them when that lines are 100 meters or less close to each other

Any help?

2 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +16

I would try the following:

Replace the lines by point (Chopper, vertexes = 1), possibly after using a Densifier to create more points on the line (you might want to lay with the number of points per line).

Then use the NeighborFinder to find the closest point on the other line (feed one to base and the other to Candidate). This will add the attribute _distance.

You can then use the Tester to find all points that are closer than 100 meters from a point on the other line.

Hope this helps.

Userlevel 3
Badge +26

@emorecas I would probably feed both lines into a GeographicBufferer set to 50m. From there use an AreaonAreaOverlayer to find where the areas overlap. You can use a TestFilter after the AreaonAreaOverlayer to test for areas where _overlay = 2.

Taking it a step further based on your other question - You can isolate those areas that are not associated with road intersections by using the Intersector and Spatial Filter.
