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Hi all,



I've been creating an object with over 1000 3D buildings, but I have over 1000 corresponding textures, wish makes the result hardly importable in 3D softwares.


I'd like to create texture atlases so that the size will decrease and I'd be able to load my buildings in any 3D tool (3DS Max, Sketchup, etc).


I've searched but couldn't find any way to do so. Is it possible with FME ?...



Thanks for your help.
I am not sure if it could be done, mostly because I dont now much about texture atlases, from Wikipedia i understand that they are resampled (down sampeled actually ) rasters of the main texture raster.


I think your best shot is to try in FME  the webmaptiler transformer, but since it is designed for web mapping apps I think the chance of succeding is not that great.



OK, I try to make it clearer : texture atlases are not down sampled textures but several textures grouped into one, but keeping the texture coordinates. It's useful when you have, like in my case, many little textures and want to have a bigger one containing all of them, with same quality e.g. a 4096*4096 texture could contain over 30 240*240 textures.


OK then I guess your best shot would be the raster mosaicker.
Thanks but I already tried that and it doesn't work.
