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Hi guys,



I am new to FME and wondered if there was a way to fill a field, by querying the date field, and inserting the relevant financial year.



In SQL you would use something like SELECT * FROM tblCustomers WHERE date >= '01/04/2012' AND date<= '31/03/2013'



Please advise?









Have a look at the attribute creator, you can design your tests in it.
So Itay,



You would create an attribute i.e. the financial year field and then conditionally assign a text string based on a few conditions, for example:



1. Use the conditions above to filter the data


2. Assign a text value when the conditions are true


3. Add the text value to a new field



Could you describe the process to me in via AttributeCreator.



Sorry, I really am a novice.






Hi Gary,



The following Evangelist  article describes in details the use of this new functionality, I hope it is enough to get you started!





Worth noting that the functionality described in the evangelist article is only available if you have updated to SP1
Hi Itay,



Thanks very much! Second model built and these methods are really handy to have in an FME users' toolkit.



Have a good day!






