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Hi !

I have dwg/dng data with elevation so they are 3D polyline or polygons. Those elevation is taken by stereomapping solution. Now i want compare those elevation to airbone lidar data in same area.

Any good idea, how to do that ? Buildings footprint should be quite ok, so also roof what i want compare is ok in x,y, but i think that there is some mistake by z.

Hi @nikopetterisalo,


You could try converting your 3D features into a Raster DEM (RasterDEMGenerator) then you could map these to the closest points of the Lidar Piont Cloud (PointCloudOnRasterComponentSetter). You could then build an expression in the PointCloudExpressionEvaluator to compare the different elevation components.


For a more crude method, you could attempt to just stick everything into a single pointcloud. (PointCloudCombiner). This should give you a quick method for a visual inspection.


