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I am testing the ColinearSliverRemover found in FME Store. I have tested it with many dataset and sample and I always have weird results that can be describe as line spreading from particular points and going to infinite in all directions.



I suppose there is a problem in the input data but it had been through the GeometryValidator before the ColinearSliverRemover with only the Valid connected.



Someone can tell me what could be the possible cause of these weird lines?



Thank you



Do you mean GeometryFilter or GeometryValidator. In the version of the transformer I have its the first one.



Why does the transformer creates line in a polygon table. The output is a collection of line and polygon and slivers are not removed.



How can such a output happen? Do you have an idea?



the latest version in the FME Store uses first a GeometryValidator followed by a GeometryFilter.



It is difficult to say why you get the strange result. What kind of polygon features do you have. Aggregates? Donuts? It is possible that both these types of features could give you unexpected results.






David is right. When the input data contains aggregates or donuts, the CollinearSliverRemover probably outputs unexpected results.


Try using the Deaggregator and the DonutHoleExtractor to avoid the problem.



