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After .obj files had converted to cesium 3d tiles, buildings created transparently. When I looked behind building, I saw another building. I dont want it. I want that these buildings are opaque. Is there any way for this?


Hi @talha​,

It's possible that the OBJ textures have a transparency band in them. You can check by opening the OBJ file in the FME Data Inspector, then clicking on a surface. In the Feature Information window, expand the Appearance Reference to see the texture image properties. If there is a Band 3 (Alpha) in the properties, then your textures have a transparency band.

Screen Shot 2022-07-05 at 3.04.22 PMYou can use the SharedItemRetriever and SharedItemAdder to update the textures in the library to remove the transparency, without needing to update the actual features, using the following method:

Screen Shot 2022-07-05 at 3.09.32 PMI have attached a workspace containing this process for you.

Hi @daveatsafe​ ,

Every information was very precious in order to improve this job. I appreciate you helping this workflow. It works.

withouttransparency_buildingsI wonder and demand help from you so as to a lot of improve this workflow. Only last step left for me. After I had created these buildings with FME, I saw that they were created dark color. When I used obj23dtiles package, they were created with bright color. I found that there was a statement which is Occlusion in article of obj23dtiles. I want to share this with you:

__useOcclusionWhen I created these buildings with obj23dtiles, I got the result such as following:

obj23dtilesWhen I created these buildings with FME, I got the result such as following:

FMEIt is created with dark color, but I don't want. How can I set bright color or change Occlusion value with FME? Thank you so much everything @daveatsafe​ .

