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Hello Guys,



I have two problem transforming MText to ArcGIS annotation.



1) I know that those text with multi line uses "\\P" to denote a carriage return.



May I know what, what should I replace "\\P" in StringReplacer?



I have tried "\\n", "\\r" and '&vbCrLf'



but it just merely replace \\P with those charactors. 



2) I notice some of the text has mutli line(when displayed) but they do not have "\\P" in them, may I know how do I spot those?



Any help will be grately appreciated.
Try the "Special Characters" and Newline (LF) in the StringReplacer



I don't see the  "Special Characters" anywhere.



take a look at this related question, it might apply to your case as well.



