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My name is Raul Salas and I work for the survey company MMT in Sweden. We are currently working on the setup of our transformation definitions into FME. Since the FME coordinate systems library does not include the specific transformation we need to carry out, I have manually put the respective shift parameters in “MyCoordSysDefs.fme” file as follows:




DATUM_DEF ETRS89/01                                         \\


          DESC_NM "European Terrestrial Reference System 89" \\


          SOURCE "CARIS HIPS"                               \\


          ELLIPSOID WGS84                                   \\


          USE 7PARAMETER                                    \\


          DELTA_X -0.011                                    \\


          DELTA_Y -0.058                                    \\


          DELTA_Z -0.064                                    \\


          ROT_X   0.001689                                  \\


          ROT_Y   0.009996                                  \\


          ROT_Z   -0.014239                                 \\


          BWSCALE 0.999999997




After saving and restarting the workbench, I am able to see the shift datum parameters in the properties window for all the definitions affecting the ETRS89/01 definition. Despite that, it appears the transformation calculations have not been applied in the resulting file, remaining practically  unchanged compared to the original one. In fact, this transformation should give a shift of about 40 cm and that is the result we usually get from transformations carried out in other systems.




The question is if our approach is right from the beginning or if there is another way around to make custom coordinate transformations in FME.






Best Regards




Raul Salas



It depends on your input-data. Is it CAD or another format? Usually I try to use a Reprojector-Transformer within the workspace to reproject features. Instead of just setting it on the writer. That way you can compare features BEFORE (using an Inspector) and AFTER the reprojection in the same view. Have you tried this and then examined the coordinates in FME Universal Viewer or FME Data Inspector? This is, you do not need to write anything to file before trying this, so deactivate or remove the writer.



