What do I use for the the 2dPointReplacer that has been removed from 2014 edition?
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Hi, The 2D/3DPointReplacer, 2D/3DPointAdder have been integrated into the VertexCreator.
many thanks - if I have an xls file with a x and y and want to end up with a shape point file to map out the data do i need an extra transformer?
You can still type 2DReplacer on the canvas and the VertexCreator will appear. Many transformers have aliases to helpout in such cases.
You actually dont need the transformer, that is if you are using the new xls reader, just map the xy into geometry and the reader will return point features.
Here's an example of what Itay was mentioning in the second part of his answer. With an excel file, add a new reader, open the parameters and specify the X & Y coordinates.
Once that is done, ensure you specify a coordinate system (don't leave as unknown or blank) and the 2D (or 3D if you specify a Z feature) will "appear."
thanks for the reply thats what I needed!