If this is an answered question, please excuse me and point me in the right direction.
I'm working on a web-based system that leverages FME server to run serveral tasks and provides the result to the user.
By programatically building parameters and calling the FME Server data download endpoint at
and setting the parameter opt_servicemode to sync I get a response on the form:
"outputLocation":"C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Safe Software\\\\FME Server\\\\resources\\\\system\\\\temp\\\\engineresults\\\\FME_176D3A2A_1504696983768_3368.zip",
"statusMessage":"Translation Successful",
"notificationLocation":"C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Safe Software\\\\FME Server\\\\resources\\\\system\\\\temp\\\\engineresults\\\\FME_176D3A2A_1504696983768_3368_nw"
"request":"\\" Samples/austinApartments/austinApartments.fmw\\" -XML_PARAMETER <?xml version=\\"1.0\\" encoding=\\"UTF-8\\"?>\<TRANSFORMATION_REQUEST><PUBLISHED_PARAMETER name=\\"FME_SERVER_REQUEST_HEADERS\\"> {
} <\\/PUBLISHED_PARAMETER><\\/TRANSFORMATION_REQUEST> --FME_SECURITY_USER \\"admin\\" --FME_SECURITY_ROLES \\"fmeadmin fmesuperuser\\" --FME_SERVER_HOST \\"localhost\\" --FME_SERVER_PORT \\"7071\\" --FME_SERVER_WEB_URL \\"http: // \\" -OGCKML_1_DATASET \\"!FME_AUTO_DIR_NAME!.zip\\\\austinApartments.kml\\"",
"timeRequested":"Wed-06-Sep-2017 01:23:03 PM",
"timeStarted":"2017-09-06 01:23:03",
"result":"0:Translation Successful|NotificationLocation=C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Safe Software\\\\FME Server\\\\resources\\\\system\\\\temp\\\\engineresults\\\\FME_176D3A2A_1504696983768_3368_nw|OutputLocation=C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Safe Software\\\\FME Server\\\\resources\\\\system\\\\temp\\\\engineresults\\\\FME_176D3A2A_1504696983768_3368.zip|ResultRootDir=/fmedatadownload/results|NumFeaturesOutput=49|LogFileName=job_10261.log|downloadUrl=http://server/fmedatadownload/results/FME_176D3A2A_1504696983768_3368.zip",
"timeFinished":"2017-09-06 01:23:04",
Downloading the result at url works as expected.
However. As far as my understanding of FME server goes, under heavy loads things are queued up. This means that a job submitted to the DataDownload endpoint might "run" for more than 10 minutes. This would make the HTTP request time out.
Because of this I'm thinking that opt_servicemode = async is a better solution. If I set this, the response I get is:
{ "serviceResponse":{ "jobID":10266, "statusInfo":{ "mode":"async", "status":"success" } }}
That is, almost no info. But I do get a jobID, so I'm guessing that this serves as a reference to the job.
And, indeed, if i navigate my browser to http://server/fmeserver/#/job/10266/summary i see a "Data DownloadURL" on top of the page, as well as in the "Result Data" section at the bottom of the page.
However, i cannot find this url in either the response to the DataDownload request, neither as a response to any of the endpoints at http://server/fmerest/v2/transformations/jobs/id/10266
So, my questions are basically:
1) How is the data download endpoint supposed to work in async mode? Am I supposed to get a link somehow?
2) Where is the data-download-link provided?
NOTE: The sync download works as expected, but this is not the problem I'm trying to solve. I am also aware that FME server can send the result by email if I specify opt_requesteremail, but this is not what I want either.
Any answers or pointers welcome.