
Write navigation modules such as route/routeNodes/RouteSegment to IndoorGML

  • 23 April 2023
  • 1 reply

I want to make a transformation from IFC to IndoorGML.

The core modules of IndoorGML can be written correctly, but I can write any point geometry or line geometry into routeNodes/routeSegments which are the navigation extension modules in IndoorGML.

I think if I can know the right parent class of "Route", the routeNodes/routeSegment inherited from it can be written correctly.

Hope someone can help me!!!!

I can't find the actual inheritance relationship in IndoorGML schema!


1 reply

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I worked on the OGC Indoor Mapping pilot where we transformed building data from IFC to CityGML and then to IndoorGML for public safety applications. You can check out some example workspaces from the pilot attached to the article here:

Take a look at the workspace and if you want more background you could also look at the OGC engineering report here:

The actual data model UML for the navigation module can be seen here:

Once you've had a look, if you have specific questions about the specification UML, or how we addressed certain conversion challenges or how to configure the IndoorGML writer then we can discuss that in more detail.
