
Hello! I'm having the followin error opening a KML file in Inspector:

  • 27 December 2022
  • 2 replies

Feature Type: `'

Attribute(string: UTF-8): `fme_geometry' has value `fme_point'

Attribute(string: UTF-8): `fme_type' has value `fme_point'

Coordinate System: `LL84'

Geometry Type: IFMEPoint

Coordinate Dimension: 3



Data displays well, but I wonder about the implications and causes...Does it have to do with ESRI engine?

2 replies

Badge +6

Hi @igorrichwin​, are you using a version of FME Desktop or ESRI's Data Interoperability extension?

Seeing that your data displays well I believe it may be a warning about a certain feature type. Feel free to drop your full logfile here as well!

Hi Jenna,


Your answer is much appreciated. I'm using ESris's Data Interoperability. The thing is I'm trying to execute the exercises provided by your online trainings using the very same data, but I always get stuck with reprojection errors. If you could kindly take a look at this log and point me to a solution :). Here is a print of the workflow. Many thanks

