
How can I get parent_id in xml for creating database tables ? (I used FeatureReader,XMLFragmenter and etc. but I cannot get xml_parent_id)

  • 15 November 2021
  • 5 replies


empty parent id

5 replies


Parent_id is not exported and its missing. Parent id is imported for building table hierarchy.

Badge +20

Is parent_id part of your geometry definition?

If it is you could use GeometryPropertyExtractor to extract the trait to an attribute.

If it's not, AttributeExposer should do the trick.

Either way, some sample date would be very helpful.


Hi @caracadrian​  thanks for answer.

I use GeometryPropertyExtractor  but it does not work. Parent_id is empty again.



Badge +20

Hi @caracadrian​  thanks for answer.

I use GeometryPropertyExtractor  but it does not work. Parent_id is empty again.



If you can, please provide some sample data.

Or at least a screen shot of the Feature Information pane from FME Data inspector so we can see the xml structure.



emptycoordinateThis is coordinate in xml have . Additionally, it has shapes and areas list data (like polygon) so I will create database tables relation (join on )from using that parent child hieararcy.

