
Check CVS Header Spelling

  • 2 November 2021
  • 2 replies
  • 1 view




I'm new on/to FME. How to check CVS header spelling. Example I have one CSV file and it contain name and location as it header. Header should be spell as name and location, if it spell as Name/NAME or Location/LOCATION it will return false/incorrect.


Thank you.

2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +36

Read the CSV with Field Names Line set to None. Sample the first line, test the attribute values. If the names in the first line pass the test, continue processing the CSV. See possible workflow below.

Or maybe you can use a BulkAttributeRenamer to change the case of the attribute names to lowercase.

CSV Header sample workspace


Read the CSV with Field Names Line set to None. Sample the first line, test the attribute values. If the names in the first line pass the test, continue processing the CSV. See possible workflow below.

Or maybe you can use a BulkAttributeRenamer to change the case of the attribute names to lowercase.

CSV Header sample workspace

Thank you @geomancer
