
Correct transformer for joinig to database tables

  • 29 July 2021
  • 1 reply
  • 1 view


I have to tables from ms sql server.

table A: Task_posting

table B: Task_analysis


They are joined by the transaction_id field.


Now I need to get all Fields from A and add line_cost, Line_qty and Line_unit from B.


What transformer is the best for this? I tried to use databasejoiner, but in the section "fileds to add" I cannot find the fields from table B


1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +25

The DatabaseJoiner would be an obvious choice but you'll need to connect that to the SQL Server database before you can see tables/fields.


If you already have both tables as feature types in Workbench you can use a FeatureMerger or FeatureJoiner.
