
I am unable to correctly configure the httpcaller to push features from a featurecollection JSON or GeoJSON file to an AGOL rest point.


I have exported an AGOL featureclass as a JSON and GeoJSON featurecollection as I need to use the httpcaller to push the data to another feature layer in AGOL. I need to use the caller as I need to see the to/from objectID's for further record manipulation. However, I am really struggling with the format of the json to read from the file. Any pointers would be appreciated. thanks.


Example exported JSON below


 "type" : "FeatureCollection",

 "crs" : {

  "type" : "name",

  "properties" : {

   "name" : "EPSG:3857"



 "features" : [


   "type" : "Feature",

   "id" : 1887,

   "geometry" : {

    "type" : "Point",

    "coordinates" : [





   "properties" : {

    "OBJECTID" : 1887,

    "description" : "100 James St.\\nreplace pit lid and patch with cream patch and lid \\n",

    "status" : 3,

    "notes" : null,

    "priority" : 2,

    "assignmenttype" : "{79a28415-f6b3-4fe1-8dcb-10561b244c80}",

    "workorderid" : "324794",

    "duedate" : 1620795600000,

    "workerid" : "{b24c91a8-6ed0-4c79-847b-a760409c0767}",

    "GlobalID" : "{5ba07c37-a036-4d1d-a547-a062d62ce674}",

    "location" : "Libido",

    "declinedcomment" : null,

    "assigneddate" : 1620097404000,

    "inprogressdate" : 1620104219000,

    "completeddate" : 1620104222000,

    "declineddate" : null,

    "pauseddate" : null,

    "dispatcherid" : "{a28ef0c7-031d-4de1-9e93-f0facc9fb51b}",

    "CreationDate" : 1617842484624,

    "Creator" : "xxxxx",

    "EditDate" : 1620104222000,

    "Editor" : "xxxxx",

    "QUANTITY" : null




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