
How can I create a "flow priority" network through a utility network?

  • 2 July 2021
  • 1 reply

I have a dirty stormwater network for a large region, which contains many network loops/cycles and non-directional features. The network is made up of

  • Stormwater Pipes
  • Stomrwater Connections
  • Stormwater Channels/Watercourses
  • Rivers/Large Streams

I would like to estimate the primary flow through the network with the following assumptions

  • Flow direction will be down hill
  • At network junctions, flow direction will be prioritized by edge type
  1. Rivers
    1. Watercourses/Channels
    2. Pipes
      1. Larger Pipes
      2. Smaller Pipes

I have made some progress using the Network Flow Orientor and Stream Priority Calculator (Im setting flow direction by finding the sink/source with the lowest elevation per network group). Prior to the Stream Priority Tool, I am assigning weights to edge features based on edge type, and using this as the forward and reverse weight.


This method seems to prioritize streams and channels over pipes, however I'm not sure how I can prioritize larger pipes over smaller pipes. I have tried sorting pipes on diameter and assigning a weight value but this doesnt seem to work. Pipes range from 100mm to 3000mm. I have read the stream priority calculator documentation and not sure I fully understand how it works.


Has anyone done anything similar? Are there other/better ways to accomplish this? Some pictures below attempting to highlight what im doing.


p.s this is for large scale rapid assessment of stormwater flow networks and it definitely donest have to be perfect!


stream priorityNetworks (where red = priority 1, orange = priority 2)Where red = priority 1, orange = priority 2

1 reply

Badge +2

@mel_fme​ Are you able to include an example of your data? If it's not for public consumption you could send it directly to me at mark at
