
Error 1068 again, Do I need to reinstall FME Server?

  • 30 May 2021
  • 1 reply

I have installed FME Server (Home Use License in my notebook) back in march, It was working fine, However, after a Windows 10 update, It started to show Error 1068. I have already asked for support and then, It started to work again.


Since April, after another Windows Update, FME Server shows again Error 1068. I have try to sop and start services (FME Core) but It didn't work. I am out of ideas and It is frustrating, because I was willing to migrate a non profit project database from desktop to server, so I am considering other options, maybe cloud services, with the cost-per-use concern. Do I need to reinstall FME Server again in order to fix the error?. I will appreciate any ideas to fix the error and start using FME Server, best regards!

1 reply

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Hi @stanbebop​ ,


Sorry you're having this issue on the machine. Windows updates typically don't change the permissions needed for these services. If you've changed the account running the services on an express installation you will need to change the database service back to Local System. If its an express installation running all services as Local System I would reboot the machine to see if It makes a difference. Feel free to reach out with more details in a case and I can help debug with you and make the installation stable.

