
What is going wrong with the reprojector transformer?

  • 28 January 2021
  • 4 replies


I tried running the examples from the introductory course. Yet I'm getting this error :


Reprojector: Implicit reprojection prohibited from `UTM83-10' (GCS: `GCS_North_American_1983') to `LL84' (GCS: `GCS_WGS_1984') using the Esri reprojection engine; specify a geotransformation using @Reproject or the EsriReprojector transformer



anyone that has an idea why this is happening ? When I use the csmapreprojector transformor everything goes well. The exercise is the Basics-Ex1-Begin.fmw.

4 replies


Hi @andreasb​ ​. What version and build of FME are you using? The current FME Desktop Basic manual uses FME Desktop 2019.0 (as stated in the Introduction).

I was able to successfully run this workspace using:

  • FME Desktop 2019.0, build 19264
  • FME Desktop 2020.1, build 20614
  • FME Desktop 2021.0 beta, build 21228

I ran it using FMEData2020, however, as that's what I had on hand. If you are using a different version of FMEData, please let me know, and I can download it and try with that. Perhaps it's a data issue.

If you can please provide your FME version, I'd be happy to do some further troubleshooting.

Badge +7

Could it be that you don't have ESRI ArcGIS installed on (or not compatible with) your system?

I get the same error on this workspace if I switch to the ESRI Reprojection Engine in Workspace Parameters. As I'm running 2020.2.2 (b20817) on MacOS (and FMEData2015) there is no possibility of Arc being present! Using the default FME Reprojection Engine, it all works fine.


I access FME through ArcGIS pro via the data interoperability extension. But should I always change to the FME reprojection engine? What's the reason it doesn't work with the esri one?

Userlevel 2
Badge +17

Hi @andreasb​ ,

Unlike CSMAP, the Esri reprojection requires that a datum transformation be explicitly chosen when reprojecting between different datums. However, the implicit reprojection done by setting the output coordinate system has no interface to allow you to set the this, and so will fail whenever a datum transformation is required. This is done deliberately in order to avoid any data corruption due to a missing datum transformation. Please use the EsriReprojector instead, which allows you to specify the appropriate transformation.
